You are reading this article because you have been searching for a Hurriclean toilet cleaner. You want to find out where to buy it, what features it has, and how well it works. I am going to answer all of those questions in the following paragraphs and provide you with some additional installation tips as well! Hurriclean is an innovative product that uses patented rotating discs inside the tank to clean the bowl thoroughly from top-to-bottom. This ensures that there is no water left over after flushing, which can cause mold or mildew buildup if not cleaned properly.

This blog post will focus on these topics:

  1. Where To Buy The Hurriclean Toilet Cleaner
  2. Features Of The Hurriclean Toilet Cleaner
  3. Buying Tips
  4. Pros & Cons
  5. Uses of Hurriclean Toilet Cleaner

Where To Buy The Product

Hurriclean is a product that can be found in many different stores. You will want to look for them at places like Lowes, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, or Amazon so you know your purchase will arrive quickly and without any problems! Hurriclean has been selling this product since 2003, which means they have all of the kinks worked out. For more information on where to buy Hurriclean toilet tank cleaner visit:

Features Of The Product

The features of Hurriclean are what make it such an amazing product- with patented discs inside the tank rotating around 360 degrees vertically & horizontally every time you flush! These disks are clean from top-to-bottom and leave no water left over after flushing. Hurriclean has been around since 2003 which means they have all the kinks worked out. Their patented discs rotate 360 degrees vertically and horizontally every time you flush!

  • The product is small enough that it can fit in any tank, regardless of shape or size
  • It works on both traditional tanks & newer low profile toilets
  • There are no moving parts to break down – hurricane’s rotating disks clean from top-to-bottom and leave no water left over after flushing

Hurriclean toilet cleaner is 100% manufactured in the USA and has rotating disks for cleaning the tank, eliminating all of the grime and bacteria inside. Hurricane’s patented design rotates vertically & horizontally every time you flush!

Buying Tips

Here are some nice and easy tips to keep in mind when you’re shopping for a tank cleaner:

  • Is the product small enough to fit in any toilet?
  • Does it work on both traditional tanks and newer low-profile toilets?
  • Are there moving parts that could break down over time (or are they just discs)?

Just keep these questions in your mind before purging your money on a product that may not be the right fit.

Pros And Cons

This is by far one of the best features of this product. With that said, there are a few drawbacks as well which we will discuss below:


  • Works with coated or non-coated tanks
  • Patented brushing discs rotate 360 degrees vertically and horizontally every time you flush, providing a thorough wash of the entire tank without damaging its surface or irritating your skin.
  • Safe for both traditional toilets as well as newer low profile models – hurricane’s rotating disks clean from top to bottom and leave no water left over after flushing!
  • Easy installation process
  • Doesn’t need electricity or batteries
  • No harsh chemicals


We were disappointed in how long it takes for water to drain after using hurriclean. This may not be such a big deal if you have a high flow rate toilet, but we found it annoying enough to mention (although admittedly probably just our personal experience).

  • Hurriclean doesn’t work on all types of toilet bowls. It will not function in any bowl that has an odd shape where there is more than one curve (bowls with two curves are acceptable).
  • Hurriclean does not come with any type of paper or chemical for cleaning your toilet, you will need to buy some separately.

Uses of Hurriclean Toilet Cleaner

Hurriclean is a toilet cleaner that you can place in your tank to keep it clean for up to six months.

How Hurriclean Works?

The brushes rotate 360° vertically and horizontally every time you flush, providing a thorough wash of the entire tank without damaging its surface or irritating your skin.

A built-in sensor detects when the water level becomes too low, shutting off the power until more water has been added. This helps with energy efficiency as well as preventing any damage from occurring due to lack of electricity/water. If left on continuously, hurriclean will use about $18 worth of electricity per year–a small price tag considering how much easier this product makes cleaning! To save even more money on your electric bill, you can install a timer so hurriclean only runs when your tank needs it most.

We also appreciate that this cleaner is fragrance-free and comes with an easy-to-use hose attachment for those hard-to-reach places–the kind of features that make life easier!


People are always looking for ways to get their homes clean. Now, it’s easier than ever with Hurriclean toilet cleaner at your disposal. With its patented formula that eliminates bacteria and leaves behind a pleasant aroma, you can feel confident in your family’s safety and the effectiveness of this product. Not only is it safe and effective but also affordable! You won’t be disappointed by making this purchase when you see how easy it is to maintain and keep your bathroom smelling great. Keep reading our blog for more information regarding this type of information or anything else related to cleaning products you might want help with in order to enhance your life without any hassle!